The Stronger The Booty, The Better?

Who doesn’t want a big booty?! Esthetically, it looks great. But what’s also true is that having a strong booty/glutes provides us with functional benefits.
Let’s look at it from an analogy standpoint. You can’t launch a cannon from a canoe, right? You need a stable base. This is also true for our hips. Our hips need to be strong to allow our limbs to move more optimally and functionally.
The main muscles that act on the hip to allow this to happen is our GLUTES. With proper activation and strong glutes we can help prevent pain and injury from occurring in the low back, knees and ankles. For instance, if you have weak and unstable hip abductors (ex. Gluteus Medius), your lower leg draws inwards (internal rotation), and your feet go into a pronated position, thereby taking on excess stress. There’s a lot more to it, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle.
So let’s dive into a little anatomy so we know which muscles to target.
Our glutes consist of 3 different muscles (1) Gluteus Maximus, (2) Gluteus Minimus and (3) Gluteus Medius. When speaking about their primary actions, the gluteus maximus’s role is to extend (example: kicking your leg backwards) and externally rotate the hip (example: getting into a car). Your gluteus minimus and medius muscle allows the hip to abduct (example: your leg moves away from the midline of your body, like stepping to the side).
credit source: google
Therefore, to target the glute muscles while exercising, we should focus on exercises that include hip extension, external rotation and abduction.
Some people are really good at activating their glutes, while others need help with cuing and guidance. If you are looking for some guidance and want to work your glutes but don’t know where to start, a really great program is the Ultimate Bubble Butt Guide. This program is 3 months long and has the right combination of lower body exercises carefully pieced together to build a rounder booty.
Check the details out below:
Just remember, the single most important factor in an exercise program designed to increase muscle strength is INTENSITY, so don’t forget to bring your A GAME.
So, are you ready to start? Get those booty bands out and start activating those glutes!